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17 Ergebnisse.


Gawdat, Mo / Law, Alice
Mo Gawdat is an engineer. What most of us see as inchoate, insurmountable problems he sees as systems overloads to tackle and solve. Unstressable breaks stress into inputs and effects, classifying human stressors as: stress to the mind, stress to emotions, stress to the body, and stress to the soul. Once classified, Gawdat and co-author Alice Law show readers how stress can be predicted-with mathematical certainty-and once predicted, prevented...

CHF 40.90


Gawdat, Mo / Law, Alice
A new way to take control of all kinds of stress from the internationally bestselling author Mo Gawdat and stress-management specialist Alice Law.

CHF 26.90

That Little Voice In Your Head

Gawdat, Mo
That Little Voice In Your Head
That Little Voice in Your Head is the practical guide to achieving joy from the author of Solve for Happy, Mo Gawdat. In this book, Mo reveals how we can achieve personal fulfillment through optimizing our thinking, turning our greed into generosity, our apathy into compassion, and investing in our own happiness.This book illuminates Mo's famous theory of happiness and provides readers with exercises to help reshape their mental processes. Dra...

CHF 19.90

Die kleine Stimme im Kopf

Gawdat, Mo / Wegberg, Jordan
Die kleine Stimme im Kopf
Wie man es schafft, dauerhaft glücklich zu werden - eine Anleitung. Für die einen ist es Gesundheit, für die anderen Wohlstand oder beruflicher Erfolg - Glück bedeutet für jeden etwas anderes. Aber in einem sind sich eigentlich alle einig: Man bemerkt das Glück meist erst dann, wenn es sich schon wieder zu verflüchtigen scheint oder gar wieder weg ist. Der ehemalige GoogleX-Manager und Bestsellerautor von Die Formel für Glück, Mo Gawdat, zeigt...

CHF 27.90

Scary Smart

Gawdat, Mo / Wegberg, Jordan
Scary Smart
Sie kann Informationen blitzschnell verarbeiten, in die Zukunft blicken und Ergebnisse treffsicher vorhersagen - künstliche Intelligenz ist heute schon um ein Vielfaches smarter als der Mensch. Dennoch unterlaufen auch ihr ständig Fehler. Woran liegt das? Mo Gawdat, der Bestsellerautor von Die Formel für Glück und ehemaliger Chief Business Officer von Google [X], kennt die Antwort auf diese Frage: Es liegt an uns Menschen, die die KI mit Infor...

CHF 30.50

Scary Smart

Gawdat, Mo
Scary Smart
Scary Smart is an accessible blueprint for creating a harmonious future alongside AI, from the former Chief Business Officer at Google [X] and internationally bestselling author of Solve for Happy, Mo Gawdat.

CHF 19.90

That Little Voice In Your Head

Gawdat, Mo
That Little Voice In Your Head
That Little Voice in Your Head is the practical application of Solve for Happy. In this guide, Mo reveals how we can achieve personal happiness through optimizing our thinking, turning our greed into generosity, our apathy into compassion, and investing in our own happiness.This book expands on Mo's theories and provides readers with exercises to help reshape their mental processes. Drawing on his expertise in programming and extensive study o...

CHF 27.50

Scary Smart

Gawdat, Mo
Scary Smart
Scary Smart is a major commentary on the future not only of technology and AI, but of our species, together with a blueprint for what we can do to safeguard ourselves, those we love and the planet itself. From the former Chief Business Officer at Google [X] and internationally bestselling author of Solve for Happy.

CHF 34.50

Scary Smart

Gawdat, Mo
Scary Smart
There has never been a time when the risk of technology ruining our humanity has been bigger. This book is not for the engineers that write the code, the policy makers who claim they can regulate it or the experts that keep creating the buzz around it. They all know what I'm about to tell you. This is a book for you. Because, believe it or not, you are the only one that can fix it' Mo GawdatNo one is better placed than Mo Gawdat to explain how...

CHF 27.90

L'equazione della felicità. Costruisci la tua strada vers...

Gawdat, Mo / Cantoni, E.
L'equazione della felicità. Costruisci la tua strada verso la gioia
La ricerca della felicità è antica come il mondo. Filosofi, religiosi e liberi pensatori ci si applicano da sempre. Ora è la volta di un ingegnere ai vertici di Google, Mo Gawdat, che a un certo punto della sua vita si è reso conto, nonostante il successo, di non essere appagato, e ha deciso di applicare al problema il suo talento logico e di problem solving insieme ai principi della matematica. Il risultato, dopo anni di ricerca, è una "equaz...

CHF 27.50

Solve for Happy

Gawdat, Mo
Solve for Happy
In this "powerful personal story woven with a rich analysis of what we all seek" (Sergey Brin, cofounder of Google), Mo Gawdat, Chief Business Officer at Google's [X], applies his superior logic and problem solving skills to understand how the brain processes joy and sadness—and then he solves for happy.In 2001 Mo Gawdat realized that despite his incredible success, he was desperately unhappy. A lifelong learner, he attacked the problem as an ...

CHF 22.90

Die Formel für Glück

Gawdat, Mo
Die Formel für Glück
Mo Gawdat befasst sich schon seit Jahren mit dem Thema Glück und was dieses ausmacht. Als Entwickler und Leiter in Googles Denkfabrik, Google[X], geht er das Problem eben wie ein solcher an: Er prüft alle prüfbaren Fakten und sucht die Logik dahinter. Nach unzähligen Stunden, Büchern und Interviews konnte er tatsächlich eine Gleichung für dauerhaftes Glücklichsein aufstellen.13 Jahre später kam der härteste Test für Gawdats Glücksalgorithmus -...

CHF 27.90

De logica van geluk

Gawdat, Mo / Hunfeld, Katja / Heinen, Annemieke / Wijers, Caspar / Wijers, Casper
De logica van geluk
Hij was gezond, extreem rijk en succesvol, maar Mo Gawdat voelde zich diep ongelukkig. De huidige Chief Business Officer van de futuristische 'dromenfabriek' Google [X] besloot het fenomeen van gelukservaring te benaderen als een ingenieur: onderzoek de bewijsbare feiten en pas een analytische logica toe. Hij stelde zichzelf ten doel om een geluksformule te vinden die keer op keer zou kunnen worden toegepast op ieders leven, met geluk als voor...

CHF 27.90

Solve for Happy

Gawdat, Mo
Solve for Happy
Solve for Happy is a startlingly original book about creating and maintaining happiness, written by a top Google executive with an engineer's training and fondness for thoroughly analyzing a problem. In 2001, Mo Gawdat, a remarkable thinker whose gifts had landed him top positions in half a dozen companies and who - in his spare time - had created significant wealth, realized that he was desperately unhappy. A lifelong learner, he attacked the...

CHF 26.90